Have I ever told you the story of how we found Rosco and how he came to live with us? It's a funny story actually my dad and my kids... Totally by chance. So.... After my divorce I decided I needed a puppy, a 'truck dog'. One that I could take with me to the barn and stuff. Could go with me everywhere. You know the type? I wanted a specific breed. Australian Sheppard. I've had Aussie's in the past and loved them. Most of the ones I've had were very smart. They get along with animals of all types and they're herd dogs so they would be perfect for around the farm.
Well my brother and his wife find one on the side of the road not knowing that I was thinking of getting one. The one they found was pitiful and scraggly and in need of some medical attention. My sister in law being a vet tech took him in and gave him to their youngest daughter. So that was 'no puppy for you' for me and the kids. After them finding their dog conversations sparked and they started kinda helping me look.
One day I'm working and she sends me a link on FB to a local shelter and there is the cutest little black n white puppy that says sure enough "aussie mix" so I immediately call about him and get everything lined up. Which was no easy feat. I had to jump through hoops to get anyone on the phone only to find out you had to schedule an appointment and they were only open during hours I worked and they would only book appointments through a FB app. After going back n forth and talking to my mom, my dad, myself, my sisster-in-law I finally booked an appointment and said if it works out it works out. It was a 1st come 1st serve deal so if you go for the black n white one but someone gets to him first your out of luck. I kinda figured that would happen but it didn't!!
So they get there and HE'S AVAILABLE. They get all the papers filled out and get everything done and $90 later he's ours. They text me and let me know they got him and their on their way home with him. We instantly fell in love with him. My dad had been asking the boys what they were going to call him and him being my dad was being silly and called him Rosco. As the kids bring him in and we start getting him acquainted with things he starts chewing on furniture and I fuss at him and " NO NO ROSCO " just sticks. He took to it and loved it and we loved him.
Going through the divorce he was just what we needed. We all suffered some type of loss and he was able to fill that hole. He thought he found his family that day and that he had been rescued, he had no idea he was rescuing his family. We took him everywhere. He went to the barn, to meet the kids dad, to drop things off at the post office, to buy horse feed. He's found Sonic Pup Cups, and treats at the bank and the feed store. He thinks he's living the high life, right? Yeah, his puppy sugs cure tears and heart ache. His snuggles cure loneliness and depression. His playful personality makes my heart smile.
So fast forward 4 months later and he's no aussie. I'm not sure what he is but he's got some type of bull dog in him (probably pit) he's also got some type of collie or other super smart dog because he catches on quick and for a puppy he listens really well. It's time to get him neutered so I took him today. His first trip to the vet since he came to live here. He was fine all the way there (he's riding in the truck with mom he's happy) we get there and get out and his nose goes to the ground and his tail goes between his back legs. His posture changed. He didn't know where he was but he recognized smells. I walked into the vets office with him and couldn't get him through the door. He was scared to death. I honestly believe he associated the smells of the vets office to the smells of the shelter he was in. He was terrified. He sat on my feet and refused to move.
I filled out his paper and the vet tech kept trying to get him to take him to the back and he refused to go with her. He said "my mom is my person and I'm sitting right here". He did too. Right on top of my feet. All 40lbs of him.
She finally got him back and I finished what I had to do. When I picked him up later he was soooooo happy to see me he instantly went to wagging all over and then dropped to the floor like 'that hurt'. I got him home, got him settled, and we both feel better. All is right with our world again.
I'm not an ASPCA person. I'm just an animal lover. Horses, dogs, cats, you name it. If I could take them all I would. There is 1 thing though. There is 1 thing that I wish more people would do. Don't buy, rescue. There's a local shelter in every county in the US. Someone didn't want it anymore, or couldn't take care of it anymore, or it's lost, or had puppies and they can't find anyone to take them. There is something. There are big, old, small, young, dog, cat. Go to your local shelter and let an animal rescue you.