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Calves in Nature


I wanted to take this little opportunity to thank you for visiting my website today and checking out my blog.  It means so much to me that you made it this far,  Thank you for taking the time out of your day to support me!

Desert Horse Riding
Horse Rider
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Country Mom Single Life

You Know Your Loved When Your Animals Boop You Back

We all know I'm an animal person. If you've been paying attention you already know I'd rather be at the barn than with people. It's not a far leap from there to say I like animals better than most people. One might even ask why I'm not a veterinarian or something closely related. In all honesty I've asked myself that many times over the last few years. It just wasn't in the cards for me. I chose a different path.

I've always had animals from the time I was born (literally) everything from horses, dogs, and cats to chickens, rabbits, and goats. I even had a pot belly pig for a while a few years ago. It came down to the pig or my then husband and the pig went. Looking back it makes you wonder if that was the right choice.

Pigs are strange creatures. They root. They're very loud and they're not real friendly. Ferrets are fun. They're curious little things. We had a blast with the ones we had. I often wondered how they were doing after the went to their new home. We moved, we didn't have a choice we had to rehome them.

I hate the thought of that now. I have my horses, dogs and cats and I don't know what I would do without them. Yes, several of them are rescues Felix, Tommy, Rosco, but the thing about it I'm the one they rescued. They keep me going. I get migraines and I forever have a snuggle buddy if they're just laying by my feet and often the cats and dogs fight over who gets that spot. Which you may've guessed. The cats ALWAYS win.

Something cool happens with at least one of them every day. Today KC my favorite horse decided to give me kisses. He loves my attention and scratches and he will run the others off and get between us and not let them get near me when he's wanting me to scratch his chin or his neck. Today was one of those days. He ran Cowboy and Jax off several times and they finally stayed back then he took his nose and tapped me on the forehead. It caught me off guard. I laughed, talked to him, scratched his chin and kissed his cheek. When I kissed his cheek he did it again. The same thing happened I laughed, talked to him, scratched him, and kissed him again. I kiss his cheek everyday it's not anything unusual. What was unusual was he tapped his muzzle on my forehead again. Then it became a game. I laughed, kissed his cheek and he tapped my head. He did it 5 times in a row before he lost interest. Silly horse. I of course hugged him before tucking him away in his stall.

Then tonight Rosco got me. He occasionally talks like a husky or something and he decided it was play time. He went to climbing on me. My 60lb lap dog. He would paw my hand and cock his head and try to get in my lap. I started playing him and I 'boop' his nose all the time it's something we do. He will try to catch my finger before it touches his nose, I squeal and he loves it.. We played for a while and I booped him again. When I did he looked at me with those big brown sweet baby eyes and he booped me back. He stuck that cold wet nose right between the eyes then he jumped down and ran off. He was done.

I'm blessed. I really am. I have children that love and respect me. They make me proud. They're good kids. I have my animals that I spend time with. I have my little farm. All my freelancing jobs. I'm able to provide for my family and do it mostly on my own schedule. Obviously, there is some 9-5 that happens because the rest of the country operates that way but, not everything is tied to that. If i want to go ride i can. If i need to go get groceries, it's not a problem. If I need to get feed, not an issue. The things and people I'm working with now have no issues with the fact that my family and my life outside of a job needs me too.

In January I stepped out on faith. In July I started a new journey. Here we are in August and I see God all around me. I'm so thankful for my faith in Christ and the promises he's made to me. I'm thankful for the support others have provided me. I'm even thankful for those people who haven't supported me because they've helped make me stronger.

I am blessed. My story isn't over it's just beginning.


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