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Plexus Slim Microbiome Activating "The Pink Drink"; Plexus MetaBurn; Vegan Protein Shake Review

Updated: Mar 21, 2022

Vitamins; Daily Pink Drink; Metabolism Booster; Lean Vegan

Working 9-5 just trying to make a living. Working Day and Night just trying to survive it. Another dollar if you try it you might like it... Working 9-5 = Ahhh the words of the great Dolly Parton. Only I'm not working 9-5 I'm working 6a to 11p 7 days a week trying to do anything and everything I can to keep the wheels of this house greased and turning. This. This is 1 venture. If it works great. If not, I have others.

About 8-9 years Ago I used Plexus regularly then one day and I was thrilled with it and the results that it gave me. My hormones stabilized. My weight came down. Then like all companies they changed the formula. It not only didn't work the same, it didn't work at all. I could tell a difference with the first batch I ordered. I was devastated. I had grown to love this product and I didn't feel like myself when I didn't take it. I was scared to death that I would start feeling the way I did before I started taking it or that I would gain my weight back.

Several years later I find myself looking for something again. My weight is inevitably back up (as happens with most people who struggle with their weight), my hormones are out of whack, my thyroid isn't right. My hair and nails are brittle and breaking. It's a mess.

I checked into Plexus and talked with what's called a Plexus Ambassador which is basically a fancy name for a salesperson. They told me how the formula had again changed and how this version was good. They couldn't compare it to before because they had no clue what before was like but, this version was working for them. Even while pregnant. She clearly isn't taking the weight loss supplement I chose but she is drinking the drink and taking some of the other supplements they offer.

First Impressions

I was surprised at how many different products they have now. Picking a

'package' was complicated. I was lucky in that I knew what I had ordered before and I knew I wanted to start with the similar version. I also didn't want to add too much too soon so I went with the package closest to what I had used before. My order arrived quickly just a couple days after I ordered it. That was surprising by itself. These days everything is delayed and getting packages is anyone's guess. That was about 10 days ago.

The Pink Drink

For roughly 10 days now I've been drinking the 'Pink Drink' every morning alongside the first dose of MetaBurn. During the week I drink the vegan shake after my workout. I'm a chocoholic so a chocolate protein smoothy is the way to go.

Pros and Cons

I drink the micorbiomes with 16-20 oz of water. It has a good flavor without being watered down at that amount. Anything less than that is a bit overwhelming to me. I don't care for it with 8oz of water. If I do that small of an amount, I drink it more quickly and move on.

The metaburn your supposed to take twice a day morning and lunch. I forget. I would rather it be a one dose your done thing. I have a hard time remembering to stop and take it again in the middle of my day. When I do take it like I'm supposed to I notice that I'm not quite as hungry and I can keep going. Since I'm a push it from daylight to well beyond dark type person it's helpful to get my second wind.

The Vegan Chocolate Protein, that's interesting. I'm not a fan by itself with water. It's chalky. It's funny I have always preferred Whey protein and they have that, but I ordered the vegan by mistake. Next round I'll order the whey. I have found that I can make a really filling meal out of it though and it's not as chalky this way. I use about 4 oz of almond milk, half a banana, ice, and top it off with water. That with the 2 scoops of protein powder makes a nice low calorie meal replacement.

The Final Score

There's a few things I'm still deciding on. 10 days I've lost 2lbs and that's with running everyday. That said I eat and I struggle with my weight. This is a battle that I fought my entire life and I realize the realistic side and I do not expect immediate results even though I would love to wake up tomorrow and be a size 8 again.

The price is a little high but not as high as some of the others I've seen. So, the package that I ordered you can get a couple of ways. You can order without registering and it's about $165 but, if you pay the $9.95 to register for VIP status you can get it for $129.95. That's the entire Weight Loss Basic Combo - Vegan Protein you get the 30 day pink drink, a 14 day supply of the protein mix, and 30 days of the metaburn.

When you place your order the slim mix will give you a choice. Do you want the hunger control formula or the microbiomes formula? I went with microbiomes, I'll go the hunger control route next time. You also get a choice in the protein powder flavor, chocolate or vanilla? For me that's no contest hands down chocolate every time.

I will definitely order again but, I will go the whey route next time. Once you find the selections you like you can set it up as a subscription to automatically order and ship to you each month. I did that before, I might do it again but not yet.

They have other products also. They have skin care, basic nutrition supplements, weight loss supplements, and a variety of other things. I'm just learning everything they have now it's so much more than it was 8-9 years ago.

If you want to try the products yourself you can order them @


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